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    Appointment Management: Its Importance and Surprising Benefits

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Appointment Management: Its Importance and Surprising Benefits

Posted by JV Tanjuatco on Nov 15, 2018 4:41:45 PM



In our breakneck pace world filled with hurdles like increasing city traffic and ingrained cultural behavior (“Filipino Time”), the old adage of “time is money” is more relevant now more than ever.  If you can master the skill of appointment management with your clients, you will see how beneficial it can be for your business.

Here are the many benefits that could change your business for the better.

Appointment Management: Its Importance and Surprising Benefits 

Appointment Management: Its Importance and Surprising Benefits


  • It helps you gain more clients

    First-time customers are all about first impressions. Keeping the appointment and being on time tells the client that you appreciate them taking the time to patronize your services and gives them confidence that you can meet their deadlines.

  • It improves your concentration.

    If you can set a series of appointments one after another without any gaps, this can lead to proficiency at completing the task at hand without sacrificing the quality of the output. Too much slack leads to lower productivity while the right amount of tension will help you maintain your momentum and gives you a sense of purpose and determination.

  • It allows you to make better decisions.

    Once you have set schedule of appointments that you have the discipline to follow, time is an asset that you can wield. You can now take the time to make informed decisions to solve problems or move your business in a new decision without the overwhelming pressure that comes from a tight deadline or a demanding client.

  • It leads to repeat business.

    After clients see your efficiency in performing jobs in terms of quality and quantity, they will be more than willing to return to you for more appointments/meetings. Word of mouth will spread about your skills in time management and customer satisfaction.

  • It offers you more opportunities that you can take advantage of.

    Now that you have a system in place that will help you with your appointments, you have the time to attend to all the other pressing matters in your business. Whether it is working on plans to expand or improve relationships and morale through whole day team building workshops.

  • It provides a buffer in the event of any surprises.

    If you do not have a working schedule, there's a possibility of a sudden rush job that could get in the way of your appointments. However, with a system in place, it'll be much easier to manage last-minute clients! 

  • It gives you free time. 

    To the extent that you can actually allot time for yourself to rest, spend time with family, and pursue your hobbies without having to sacrifice the business. Plus, you’ll have that sense of fulfillment of a job well earned! 

There will a few mistakes along the way but all you need are the right methods and tools, just like BaseUp's booking platform, and the goal of managing your appointments will be a breeze.

Now that you have seen the positive effects of managing your meetings with clients, maybe now is the time to take those steps to change things up!

Topics: Management

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