The Power of a Personalized Customer Experience: 4 Benefits for Your Business

Posted by Raych Marquez on Jan 9, 2019 9:33:00 AM



Customer satisfaction plays a key role in the success of any business. Today, more companies are becoming aware of the competitive edge that lies in making their customers satisfied. Some businesses are becoming aware of using a personalized customer experience as a strategy. But how can a business maximize this?

An increase in store visit and spending was noted in customers that are emotionally connected with brands. Gallup’s research revealed emotionally loyal customers visit stores 32 percent more often. Their spending likewise surged 46 percent compared to those who are not emotionally connected.


image via bruce mars from Pexels


 Your Business And Personalized Customer Experience

Research also revealed there is a correlation between personalization and customer satisfaction. The research further indicates customers are willing to give their personal information for a more personalized experience. Through this, brands can make a customized recommendation and offer promotions that are relevant to their customers’ needs.

Studies find loyalty programs with a personalized customer experience made 79 percent of consumers satisfied. Loyalty programs also recorded 2.7 more satisfied members because customers feel more special.

But aside from these things, how can a customer data help businesses offer better customer experience? The following are some of the reasons how a personalized customer experience can make a difference:

Increase Customer Engagement           

Customer data give way for a more personalized client experience. Through the information provided by consumers, businesses can make their services and offers tailor-fit for their customers. Today, customers are not only after a mobile application that works. Clients seek a website or an app that is customized to help them save time, recognize their preference or choice, and provide them with a hassle-free service.

This customized experience will in turn give way for higher engagement. Through a personalized service, consumers will feel they are special and their needs are given priority. Over 85 percent of mobile marketers record success with the use of personalization. The customer engagement driven by personalization may also translate into revenue and profit.

Provides Feedback on Customer Preference

A customized customer data can note the preferences and issues customers want solved immediately. Through this helpful information, businesses will be able to know what works and what does not, giving them the chance to change what needs modification and improvement, and sustain the positive ones.

Quickly Respond to Client Needs

Imagine this scenario: Client A without a customized data walks in to your salon to have her hair cut. She leaves satisfied with the result of her bob looking fresh and pretty. Client B with a customized data does the same. She asks the hairstylist to give her a bob and she leaves the salon happy. The only difference is, her data is recorded – the stylist who did her hair, the style of hair she personally asked for. Client A walks in again a few months after and asks your salon to give her the same cut you did before. But how would you be able to remember that of the hundreds of customers you’ve accepted in the past months? Meanwhile, Client B gets the same pretty bob she had because of her customer data. Who do you think left the salon happy the second time around?

A personalized customer data will help you respond to your clients’ needs and preferences swiftly. Just like in other instances, keeping a record is necessary to either watch your progress or make progress happen.

Helps In Making Your Business a Success

Making use of personalized customer data can contribute a lot in the success of a business but only if you utilize it wisely. Some data are not used properly or to benefit the customer, the business or both. It is wise to note that along with the information provided by the customers is the responsibility of knowing how you can maximize it to help your business meet its full potential and growth, and how you can make your customers satisfied.

Competition is strict among business players nowadays. It is no wonder why businesses play with various gimmicks, promotions and strategies to attract customer attention. At the end of the day, though, it boils down on one thing: a happy and satisfied customer.

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